Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Agloco has BIG TIME plans .. are you listening ?

It wouldnt be wise not to join agloco right now ...

Here are some estimates by experts from the web community
  • AGLOCO will have over 2,000,000 members by the end of 2007.
  • AGLOCO viewbar will be released by the end of February
  • First company between Google, Yahoo and Microsoft to do a 'major' deal with AGLOCO will be Microsoft (no surprise here, given Bill Gates' comments)
  • AGLOCO will file to go public the last quarter of 2007 [remember, we own the shares of the company]
In just 4 weeks after release, the madeup term "agloco" returns
664,000 results in google alone ... This is the amount of success of the site .. Dont be a fool failing to join now and joining later when the opportunities would be far lesser than what is now .

Bill Gates on the concept of Agloco [This is the reason experts say agloco will soon be bought by Microsoft]

Gates said that search engines like Google Inc. get their revenues from advertising because people use these search engines. "Google's business model is not based on free software," Gates said. "Their business model is based on advertisements from which they make a lot of money."

But they dont share these advertising revenues with the end users who help them get the revenue, Gates said. "Google keeps all of the money with itself," he added. {Excluding Adsense}

In its bid to share revenues with users, Microsoft may give free software or even cash to users, said Gates, who did not discuss further details."

AGLOCO gives a fair share of advertising revenue to it's members .Join now and make your downline


At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's an illegal mlm at least in the US.

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